Welcome to HBM's Missionary Resources

Serving the Local Chruches’ Missionaries.


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Local Church

The purpose of Heartland Baptist Missions is dedicated to assist local independent fundamental Baptist churches in the servicing of their missionaries as they are sent forth around the world to reach the World for Christ, preaching the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)


Heartland Baptist Missions was established to help churches and missionaries reach the world for Christ, through the preparation and mobilization of missionaries to evangelize the lost, disciple believers, and establish Baptist churches and outreach ministries such as Christian schools, Bible institutions, youth camps, and medical clinics abroad for the sake of the Gospel.


Each year Heartland Baptist Missions goal is to send out Missions teams  to encourage missionaries by helping them in their ministries through Bible Clubs, Vacation Bible Schools, Youth Outreaches, building projects, participating in church services with servant’s hearts seeking to edify believers and see souls brought to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Making an Impact Across the Globe

The ultimate aim is the indigenous church principle. Our goal as a Mission is for the missionaries to produce self-sustaining and self-propagating churches pastored by national believers who are well-trained in the Scriptures and financially supported by their own members